Welcome to your members’ magazine

Summer 2023

We’re fighting for a cleaner, better-protected, healthier ocean: one we can all enjoy. Thank you for your support.

Your Ocean team
Managing Editor: Ilana Harris; Head of Communications and Campaigns: Victoria Riglen; Head of Creative: Martin Tullett; Designer: Jamie Jones; Managing Director: Issie Peate; Digital Strategy Director: Nihal de Silva; Senior Account Manager: Rebekah Peterson; Picture Editor: Dominique Campbell
Your Ocean is published by Wonderly (a Haymarket Media Group Ltd company) © Marine Conservation Society (MCS) 2023. All rights reserved. Those wishing to reproduce articles must first contact the Marine Conservation Society. Views and opinions expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the Marine Conservation Society.

Video: Haapaiglenn/Creatas Video/Getty Images.
Photos: AL Hedderly, Elva Etienne/Moment, SimonSpear/Vetta, CasarsaGuru/E+/Getty Images; MCS; Paul Gregory (www.paulgregoryphotography.co.uk) as featured in For the Love of the Sea II by Jenny Jefferies; Mike Guiry; Richard Shucksmith